ACE EV Group now stepping forward, with seconday manufacturing of purpose built light commercial EV’s.


Woolworths Group Australia

Woolworths support and innovation is underpinning new opportunities for Australia Dr. Laurie Sparke OAM Brent Dankesreither Robyn Denholm

ACE EV Group now stepping forward, with seconday manufacturing of purpose built light commercial EV’s.

This can be a signal for the resurgence of advanced manufacturing in Australia.

It is Demonstrably clear that countries with vibrant auto, have an APEX industry that supports a healthy advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Heather Bone Chris Bowen MP Ed Husic MP Nathan Hagarty MP Rex Patrick Tim Buckley Mick de Brenni Mark Bailey MP Wayne Swan Jim Chalmers Anthony Albanese Simon Holmes à Court Steve Blume Jane Frewen Danny Crofts Forbes Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)